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5 Hobbies To Pick Up After Retirement

When the big day rolls around, oftentimes people are caught completely off-guard, and for good reason too. It can be difficult dealing with the sudden increase in free-time, particularly when we’ve worked all our lives, which can oftentimes cause depression, a feeling of uselessness, and worse. But, there are ways to combat these feelings, and most of them have to do with filling that time! So, here are just a few of the most enjoyable hobbies you can pick up after retirement to make your time just a bit more enjoyable.

5. Video Games

Before you say anything, I understand that video games are traditionally a young person’s hobby. But, in terms of time wasters that are actually pretty fulfilling, video games are pretty awesome! With games becoming more and more narrative based—and mature—it makes more and more sense for adults to pick them up. They are fun, deeper than ever, and can take up long spans of time while increasing your hand eye coordination and keeping your mind sharp. Add in the so-called “active video games”, such as the Wii, and you get the complete package! A game that can keep you fit, happy, and occupied. In other words, these aren’t the video games from when you were a kid.

5 Hobbies To Pick Up After Retirement

4. Traveling

If video games are a bit too “new age” for you, traveling is an old standby that can really make your life feel more achievement oriented. And, now that you finally have the time to go anywhere you want, why don’t you? Check out the Parthenon of Greece, the pyramids of Giza, the Coliseum of Rome; whatever your heart desires! After a whole life of being denied the simple and majestic rewards of travelling, you finally have nothing holding you back! So, see the world, go do all the things you’ve never had time to. It’s time to start crossing things off that bucket list!

3. Exercise

This one’s probably obvious, but if you want to be able to do anything you want long into your old age, you really have to exercise daily! Get out of the house, start running, lifting weights, or just being active. Even though you may be feeling more and more tired as the years go on, you have the chance to kickstart your body so you can actually enjoy your retirement. Don’t pass it by!

2. Join a Club

Even if you think you’re too old to join a club, clubs are still a great way to meet new people and learn new things. You can go anywhere where your interests are on display and meet up with people who share those interests, something that can be more enjoyable than anything else you’ll ever do. I know they say that old dogs can’t learn new tricks, but you aren’t an old dog, and you can do whatever you want. So why not do exactly that? What you want with people that also want to do that activity? You now have the time to do so!

1. Spend Time with Family

You probably already spend a decent amount of time with them; but, if you don’t, it’s time to make amends! Now that you have all the time in the world, why not reconnect with everyone you love! Spend some time, plan a family reunion, or just go out to visit; they’re all valid, enjoyable, and fulfilling, so get going! I know you’ll have an enjoyable time.

Tyler Fleck is a multi-faceted blogger who has posts published all over the internet. This week, his blog post is sponsored by Glencroft Senior Center in Phoenix. Check out their site for more information! Thanks for reading!