Weddings are always fun…well, almost always. Nevertheless, you have to keep in mind that all that fun does not just magically or spontaneously happen. A lot of thorough, thoughtful, and meticulous advance planning is involved in making the day a success. Whatever your wedding plans are, there are some basic blunders you need to avoid so your wedding is remembered for all the right reasons.
Not All about You
There is a popular adage that says “a wedding is all about the guests, a marriage is all about the couple”. However, the temptation is high for most brides and grooms to view this day as solely meant to please them and let them do whatever they want. Of course, the wedding couple is the highlight of the occasion. However, they need to have an event that pleases their guests just as much as it pleases them. Some concessions and compromises have to be made in order to make the day a memorable success for everyone involved.
Get Personal
Your wedding is one of the most important milestones in your life. As such, it is tempting to fill it with grandeur and try to impress everyone. There really isn’t anything wrong with that except all the fancy stuff should not take priority over the more important stuff. Your guests may be impressed with the gourmet menu and top-shelf cocktails, but that it not what made them come to the wedding. They are mostly there because they want to be with you and to share in your moment of happiness. Personal gestures that will make them feel appreciated and welcome will work much better than shows of grandeur.
Respect Other’s Time and Money
You have spent many months doing the wedding plans, making the venue ideal for your wedding, arranging the menus and the floral presentations, and doing all those things that entail wedding planning. In the end, you might start getting the mindset that you are doing your wedding guests a favor by inviting them and hence they should be happy with whatever they get. The truth of the matter is that they are the ones doing you a favor by gracing your event. They have spent their money on new clothes, transport, and baby-sitters for their kids in order to be there for you. They have left their regular schedules and foregone their other interests for your sake. You should appreciate this and work your best to appreciate it. This can be done by informing all your guests about what to expect on the wedding day and how long each part will take. Top this up by strictly keeping to schedule on the wedding day.
Plan Thoroughly
As mentioned before, the wedding day does not just happen. You need to put a lot of thought into every aspect of the big day. Have the food and drinks ready in time and enough for all guests including service providers such as the wedding DJ and entertainers. Make sure the venue has plenty of bathrooms. Ensure that there are enough seating places for everyone.
Engage Guests
The best weddings are those that had the guests participating in the fun and merrymaking. Do not let them be just spectators or just dinner guests who will eat, drink, then go home. Involve them in every aspect of the wedding reception and the event will be as memorable for them as it was for you.
Very many things can happen to ruin your wedding day. By putting some thought into the above named aspects, you can minimize chances of anything happening to put a damper on your fun.
DJ Lavender has been in the business of creating electrifyingly memorable wedding receptions since she was a teen. She is now a widely recognized celebrity DJ with an event waiting list of tens of clients at any one time.