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6 Great Ways For The Busy Mom To Pamper Herself

Most mothers do not want accolades or extra attention for the many duties they carry out each day. They take care of their families and work tirelessly each day to provide for their families’ needs because they love their children and their spouses. While they do not seek out rewards from their families, however, moms still deserve to pamper themselves once in awhile. When moms wonder how they can treat themselves for all of the hard work they do each day, they can consider several great pampering ideas.

6 Great Ways For The Busy Mom To Pamper Herself

1. Take a Day Off

When husbands have a day off work, it would not be out of the question for hardworking moms to take a day off as well from their regular family duties. Letting a husband take care of the kids, the house, the shopping, the pets, and the other duties for a few hours or longer can let a mom take a break and maybe catch a movie, go to the library, or go shopping on her own.

2. Pampering with Jewelry

While many moms get jewelry from their families during the holiday or on Mother’s Day, some women still like to buy jewelry for themselves. Shopping from an online jeweler offers a large variety of style and fashion at affordable rates for any kind of jewelry, whether looking for a promise ring, bracelet, necklace, watch or wedding jewelry, an online jeweler will have it. Hardworking moms can pamper themselves by buying themselves a new bracelet to go with a favorite outfit, a ring that can be worn next to a wedding ring, or even an anklet that will add some pizzazz to a summer wardrobe. These pieces do not have to be expensive; even so, moms will appreciate their new jewelry as a reward for taking great care of their families.

3. Catch a Chick Flick

While many couples schedule date nights and leave their kids at home with a babysitter, more often than not it is the husband who gets to choose the date night movie. Many women tolerate their husbands’ annoying war and adventure movies because they want to spend time together and avoid debating about what movie to see. However, a busy mom can pamper herself by taking an afternoon off, perhaps when the kids are in school, and catching a matinee showing of her favorite romantic or comedy movie.

4. Schedule a Spa Day

Scrubbing toilets and doing loads of dishes every day can damage a busy mom’s hands. Even if she loves doing housework, she may love keeping her hands in good condition even more. When store bought lotion and emery boards fail to restore her hands, this mom can pamper herself by scheduling a spa day. She can get a manicure, a pedicure, and all of the other services as a treat for the time she puts in taking care of her family.

5. Indulge in a Hobby

When all of the day’s work is done and moms have an hour or two to spend in downtime, they can pamper themselves by indulging in their favorite hobby. While their kids and spouses watch TV or play on the computer, these moms can knit, crochet, read, put together a puzzle, or enjoy any other hobby that they can enjoy and take pride in alone.

6. StashingFavorite Sweet Treats

Most moms already utilize the trick of buying their favorite sweet treat and then hiding it from the kids and their husbands. While they may love providing treats to their children and husbands once in awhile, it would not be unreasonable for a mom to keep a secret stash of her own favorite treat that can be enjoyed when everyone is asleep or away at work and school.

Moms are generally not in the business of seeking rewards and accolades. They do, however, appreciate the occasional moment when they can treat themselves. Knowing the great ways to pamper themselves can help moms anticipate these moments even more.

As a mother to 4 children, Lisa Coleman understands how the occasional self-pampering treatment can help to unwind from the busy life of motherhood. She has found shopping online with an affordable online jeweler for some of her favorite jewelry and gifts for others, like a promise ring for her daughter and a beautiful watch for herself, and spending the day at the spa, to be among her favorite activities when taking a self-pampering break from the business of life.

Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97247234@N00/2413988302/