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7 Tips On Becoming A Better Blogger

There was a time when websites were crawling with poor quality content and everybody was spinning articles right and left. Creative writing took a backseat while heavy weightage was given to content that was produced in large quantities, or rather content mills that churned out wholesale content. If you go through such an article, you would go round in circles, and finding a way out would seem like an impossible task .Of course, unless you close the window. But Google decided enough was enough and called it quits when it decided to come down heavily on websites with poor content. Websites with such articles were trashed while Google began to concentrate on articles that contained fresh and crisp content.

As a blogger, you have to note the following points:

1. Identify the Purpose of your Blog

Your content should mainly serve two purposes – provide information and invoke a ‘share’ or ‘like’ from the readers. Content that generates reader’s interest, and addresses their concern will definitely remain at the top of their minds. They come back for more because your blog strikes a chord in their heart. Always keep this point in your mind – why are you writing this content?

2. Cash in your Individual Style

Just like Gangnam style, you have your style too. Of course, this one applies to writing. It takes time to recognise where your skills lie, but when you do produce your work, it will be totally ‘you’ – your news and views on a particular subject. However, you need to be prepared for comments and criticism from readers. Defend yourself, do not get in line of the shooting range. It could dampen your spirit and nip your style in the bud.

3. Perfection in Blogging cannot be Attained in a Day

You cannot turn into a master blogger with one single stroke, just as you cannot perfect your dive with a single jump. Visit the sites of famous bloggers and look at their writing style. Shape and carve your ‘knife’ in the way you think would plunge directly into the hearts of your target readers and just do it, bravely.  With time, your blog would turn out to be the lifeblood of many. All in good time!

4. A few Words that Captures People’s Interest

Here are a few words that will interest your readers even if they may not read the full copy – save money, free, easy, secret, tricks, tips, exclusive, guaranteed, quick results. Place these words at strategic points in your copy and you have won a dedicated fan following.

5. Stamp your Mark

Blogging can definitely earn you money on the side; it can even be turned into your main income source. If you are really good at writing and is creative to the core (of course, creative is a relative term), then it is time you travelled down the path. It is no longer the road less travelled. People have created their own paths, forged their own signature on the rocks, but surely, you can find your path and find a new rock to stamp your mark and personality.

6. Your Attitude

It plays a major role in attracting readers. In fact, you should have the ‘you’ attitude in order to communicate to them. Look at the following sentences – which of them captures the readers’ attention?

Tulips Limited is releasing its next new 3D gaming software

Our company, Tulips Limited releases a new 3D gaming software

Are you tired of the age-old gaming software?

7. The KISS Method

Keep it simple, stupid or Keep it short and sweet. You can expand the acronym anyway you want, but it will definitely attract readers.

License:Flickr Creative Commons image source
First Image by Cambodia4kids.org Beth Kanter