AJN News

Buying Tips For Regular And Designer Homewares

In the old days when most people heard the word ‘designer’ they thought ‘expensive’, thankfully today things have changed. Today, designer items are still slightly more expensive than their generic and mass produced counterparts. That said designer items are at times more durable, easy to use, and more beautiful than regular items. However, the trick when purchasing designer homewares is knowing what to look for. In this article we will discuss a few tips which should help you purchase designer cutlery, cooking pans and tableware.

Tips for Purchasing Tableware

Tips for Purchasing Cutlery

Designer Cooking Pans Buying Tips

Designer items for the home are designed to be unique, durable and at times offer something different from their regular counterparts. However, always do some comparison shopping prior to purchasing designer ware. That said at times some online stores may label regular wares as designer so always make your purchases from reputed online or offline stores.


Manu is an experienced interior designer and blogger. He is the go to guy for information on designer homewares, furniture and decorative accessories.