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Careers In Psychology


This country always abounds in psychologists where by a psychologist we mean a Ph.D. or PhD .i.e. Doctor of Philosophy (in Psychology) and Doctor of Psychology. Most of them are either unemployed or underemployed. But still many thousands have jobs in courts as legal psychologists, health services, government agencies, education, research and private practice of many kinds.

In America, there is abundance in diversity of fields to work and available manpower of versatile character. So the people competing for employment are well trained and competent enough to accept any challenge.


In Saudi Arabia and other Middle East states are various openings of clinical, educational counseling psychologists. These psychologists required to be Ph.D. with some post-doctoral experience and are offered an attractive package. Clinical, educational and organizational psychologists are particularly welcome there.images (3)


Japanese health services have a sufficient number of positions for Health Psychologists where job covers quite many aspects of health. Health services also include health education which falls to a Health Psychologist in addition to clinical, therapeutic services.

China, Taiwan, North and South Korea, North and South Vietnam, Thailand and others have a large number of industrial, health and education setups where psychologists are engaged in relevant subfields. They hold responsible positions, command respect and make considerable earnings.


For outstanding, brilliant and trained manpower there is no scarcity of opportunities all over the world. If you have valuable achievements, credentials and thrust for advancement in life you can easily make a breakthrough in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Britain. Hera is a survey of the working Psychologists in the states and Pakistan.

The most lucrative and interesting career is that of a Clinical Psychologist as a private practitioner. You are required to be a Master degree holder and Ph.D. But you can also practice under legal cover with only a post graduate diploma in Clinical Psychology i.e. after a M.Sc. in Applied Psychology or Psychology.

Federal and provincial ministries / departments of labour and manpower have independent divisions or wings for Vocational Guidance and Training. These agencies have a sufficient number of positions for professional psychologists with only a Master degree.

Ministry and departments of Education at Federal and provincial levels respectively have a colossal setup all over the country employing hundreds of psychologists in teaching, counseling and research-oriented positions.

All the three defense forces have a large number of openings for psychologists in their individual Education Corps / Wings and in Selection and Recruitment settings. They generally offer Ante-date commission at the rank of Captain or equivalent. This is undoubtedly a highly challenging and attractive career.

Federal and provincial public service commission have a sufficiently large number of posts for testing and measurement psychologists. A simple M.Sc. degree with a thrust of capability is required for 17 or 18 grade post. A Ph.D. can easily justify for 19 grade post.

Federal competitive Examination is open every year to psychologists too wherein a significant number from them turns up to higher posts. This is because M.Sc in Psychology / Applied Psychology has an edge over others in Psychological Tests and with interviews if also otherwise pushing in personality.

We admit, of course, that the elders of this discipline are doing little to promote the subject academically to meet the challenges of the time. This age is of expertise and intellectual supremacy. The more you are well-versed with your professional expertise and convince others about it the more successful you will be in this arena of competition.

I know a senior professor of Psychology who works as consultant in system analysis with large organizations and thus makes considerable earnings. There are more examples of industrial and organizational psychologist in some multinational and large local commercial or industrial concerns.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION is also a government agency where psychologists can be employed. Many free- lancers are also self-employed or engaged in advertising business one way or other.


The present regime is actively considering launching a scheme of School Psychologists and another f Counseling Psychologists. These schemes will require thousands of psychologists. A scheme of National Educational and Psychological testing se: vice is and in the anvil.

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