AJN News

Cleveland Women Freed after 10 Years of Captivity

Missing Women Found

In a national news case that is capturing national headlines, three Cleveland area women have been miraculously freed from a home in Cleveland where they had been abducted more than 10 years ago.  The abductions happened over the course of two years between 2002 and 2004.  This is a very interesting news topic and legal news topic because of the massive number of missing children who are assumed to be either dead, or as in the case of the three Cleveland women trapped in homes in captivity around the country.

Case Information

Ariel Castro is convicted of kidnapping, torturing, abusing and holding three Cleveland area women captive for 10 years.  He is also convicted on rape charges, meaning he could receive life in prison or possibly the death penalty.  A Tacoma immigration court is important in the process of determining what type of sentence and conviction Castro will receive during his sentencing.  Castro is currently in jail awaiting sentencing and a trial date.

The three women were originally abducted between 2002 and 2004.  After they were abducted they were placed in captivity inside Ariel Castro’s home.  Reports indicate they were kept in a sound-proof basement and chained to the wall to limit their mobility.  Castro allegedly beat, starved, tortured and sexually abused all three women who were in his custody during the 10 year ordeal.  Amanda Berry, the highest profile of the three victims, made a daring escape two weeks ago by banging on the front door until it attracted the attention of a neighbor.

The neighbor kicked down the door and helped Berry escape, when he learned there were two more women being held in the home.  Police were immediately called to the scene upon which they freed the remaining women and took Castro into custody when he returned home.  Castro is currently in jail awaiting trial.  He has pleaded not guilty.

Trial Information

According to a Seattle immigration lawyer, and other lawyers and attorneys around the country, Castro, if convicted will receive life in prison without the possibility of parole.  Castro may be charged with murder in addition to his current charges because he impregnated the women multiple times and then starved and beat them until they had miscarriages.  He is currently in jail being held on $8 million dollars bail, which essentially means he cannot get out.

Prosecutors are working on getting a conviction of at least aggravated murder for the termination of the pregnancies in the women.  Other prosecutors in the county have said they want to press for every possible charge because of the very heinous and severe acts committed by Castro against the women while they were being held in his home.  Amanda Berry gave birth to a child fathered by Castro while in captivity.  Prosecutors described the basement as a virtual prison and torture sell operating in the heart of an affluent suburb.  The escape of the three women and the young child prompted national media attention and got the attention of many lawyers and attorneys.