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Creative Ways To Make Good Use Of Stretch Wrap

Many households already count on stretch wrap to keep their foods fresh, but this versatile material has a lot of other uses you may not know about. Read on for some helpful tips about how to use this clingy plastic in new and creative ways.

Painting Projects

Sometimes when you’re painting a room, you just can’t finish in a single day. But it seems wasteful to rinse all the paint out of your roller and brushes. If you want to pick up where you left off tomorrow, simply wrap your roller and brushes independently in shrink wrap, so they won’t dry out.

You can also put a layer of stretch wrap across the top of your paint can, underneath the lid, which keeps paint fresh and helps you avoid sticky lids that are hard to remove.

Creative Ways To Make Good Use Of Stretch Wrap

Medical Uses

Versatile stretch wrap can even help you in a medical emergency. Wrapped around burns or abrasions (not too tightly), it can keep a wound clean on your way to the doctor’s office and help prevent infection. It also can be used as an emergency sling, so carry a roll of it along on your next rugged outdoor adventure.

If you’re wearing a cast, you have to keep it dry, because it can absorb water and swell, causing discomfort. You can cover a cast with a trash bag, and use shrink wrap to keep it in place. Still, don’t immerse your cast in water. The plastic barrier is not waterproof, just water-resistant.

In the Fridge and Freezer

Stretch wrap has more uses than just covering those leftover mashed potatoes. The next time you clean your fridge, stretch-wrap the shelves. The plastic will catch all the grime, and you can simply peel it off and discard it when it’s dirty.

Here’s another tip: Stretch-wrap ice cream cartons to prevent ice crystals and freezer burn. As an added benefit, that makes it harder for people to sneak a scoop of ice cream on the sly.

Wilderness Survival

If you’re an outdoorsy adventurer, know that stretch wrap can help you get through an unexpected turn in the weather. You can use it to shield yourself from rain – use it as a poncho, and wrap your shoes or boots to make them water-resistant.

Sleep between two trees and use stretch wrap to fashion a makeshift canopy. When the sun’s out, that canopy will also help you stay warm. And if you just happen to have a massive roll of stretch wrap with you, make yourself a cozy hammock.

There are countless uses for this durable see-through material. Think about how stretch wrap can make your life more convenient, and share your tips with friends!