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Diet Meal Plan: 5 Tips For Bodybuilding Diet Plan

Even if you lift a lot of weights, you won’t be able to achieve your goals if you don’t have the right diet meal plan. The foods you eat serve as the body’s fuel, so if you are not eating right, you can’t perform well. Getting ripped is not as hard as you think, as long as you know what you are doing.

Diet Meal Plan: 5 Tips For Bodybuilding Diet Plan

Follow these 5 Tips for Bodybuilding Diet Plan:

1. Avoid eating very large meals throughout the day. It is better to eat five to six small deals which are two to three hours apart to maintain energy levels and enhance metabolism. This also helps in keeping your cravings down; thus encouraging growth consistently.

2. Find out your calorie needs per day, and keep track of it. Be sure to stick to the required calorie levels to gain more muscle. Ideally, the calories you consume should be more than what you are burning.

3. The calories you consume should be maintained at the following percentages – 20% fat, 40% carbs, and 40% protein. Around 10% of the calorie intake must be from protein.

4. Drink plenty of water. Determine your weight in pounds and multiply it by 60%. The result is the liters or ounces of water that you must consume daily.

5. Keep your meals simple and cook in advance. This is recommended especially for busy professionals. When you have pre-prepared meals, you can easily stick to your diet meal plan.

Follow these tips and you can achieve your bodybuilding goals without difficulty.

What Foods to Eat?

Your diet meal plan should consist of healthy food items like chicken, yams, turkey, almonds, potatoes, whole wheat breads or pastas, brown rice, avocados, and fish. Some of the best fish dishes include tuna, salmon, orange roughy, halibut, swordfish, tilapia, and snapper.

For your fiber needs, you can eat Brussels sprouts, peppers, broccoli, asparagus, cucumbers, spinach, and green beans. You may have noticed that these foods have low GI (Glycemic Index), just like carrots, corns, peas, and raisins.

Try to plan the meals at least a day or night before, and try to divide the meals into smaller portions. That way, you can avoid overeating and stick to the diet meal plan over the long term. If you have doubts in your meal planning capability, you can always look for programs that include rock-solid meal plans. Oftentimes, these programs allow you to choose the foods and mix and match them according to your needs.

Diet Meal Plan Samples

You can take a look at these samples when planning your bodybuilding diet. For the first meal, you can have a cup of oatmeal and six egg whites. This is ideal for your pre-workout needs. By eating this meal, you will have the energy needed to perform the workouts efficiently.

A sample breakfast can include flaxseed oil and high-protein meal replacement shake or bar. By mid-morning, you can eat a cup of brown rice, two cups of green veggies, and 8 ounces of lean meat. At lunch time, you can eat leafy salad, whole wheat bagel, and tuna. At dinner time, you can have 8 ounces of lean meat once more, baked potato, and two cups of green vegetables. You can still eat midnight snack, but you have to make it light. You can consume flaxseed oil plus a packet of meal replacement.

With the sample diet meal plan, you can increase muscle gain significantly. You can make substitutes, and you can consult a nutritionist to guide you through the preparation of a healthy and adequate meal plan. Follow the plan down to the last detail, and you can achieve your fitness goals soon!

Author Bio:

Marshal Gatlin is a content specialist for RatingDietPlans.com. Through Rating Diet Plans’ website, he provides informative articles on weight loss plans, healthy living, and diet reviews.