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How Can Dogs Be Sent To Australia With Proper Care?

Dog-lovers never want to travel leaving their dogs at home rather they always seek for the best travel-solutions where dogs can be carried along without any hassle. Now, dog-lovers do not need going through the pain of leaving their dogs while on tours as many pet-travel companies have recently come forwards for making necessary arrangements for dog-travel.

Stop thinking how to send a dog to Australia rather you are suggested contacting the most popular pet-travel company of your place. Though carrying dogs to Australia is a costly affair but since dig-lovers consider their dogs as family members, therefore, they get ready to bear their dogs’ traveling expenses. Expenses are not the only factor involved out here rather many legal-formalities are associated as well.

These formalities can be handled with care and efficiency only by any skilled and expert dog-travel company. The company will do everything and you just have to relax. You just need to mention your travel date and time so that necessary arrangement for your pet can be done accordingly. The company also looks after the health-care and comfort-level of your dogs, especially while on travel.

How Can Dogs Be Sent To Australia With Proper Care?

Key requirements:

Dog passport: Passports are needed for sending dogs abroad and the passport-rules for pets are a bit complicated. These rules are being efficiently dealt only by sincere pet-travel concerns. Only licensed vets are authorised for issuing dog-passports. The health-certificates issued by vets need to be produced for acquiring the passport.

Vaccinations: vaccination-details need to be produced including vaccination-name, vaccination date, batch-number, the frequency of vaccinations and other related ones.

Primary dog-care products: Different dog-care products need to be carried along so that the dogs can receive the highest comfort along with great care. Some primary products are seat-belt restraints, pet carrier, seat-belt restraint, travel water-bottles and Eze tablets and many more.

Essentials: Essentials to be carried without any fail for your dog-care are grooming devices, food, towels, bedding, identity-tags, collars, lead, blankets, and water. A proper checklist needs to be prepared so that these essentials can be carried without missing anything.

Temperature measurement: The Company conducts a thorough inspection about climate-conditions before they send a dog to Australia. If the current temperature is not suitable for your specific breed then the company makes some special arrangements for dog-travel.

First-aid arrangement: The dogs might get injured or might fall sick during the course of the journey and for meeting-up these medical-conditions the pet-travel concerns always keep the first-aid box ready.

Medications: If your dog is already taking any medicines for any health-issue then you should mention the same to your provider. The provider will make the medicines available for your dog.

These are the few arrangements that are being made by pet-travel companies on behalf of their clients. If you want to send a dog to Australia with utmost comfort then these arrangements are indispensable. If you are traveling by plane then the company will also send your dog via flights. The dogs are always carried under strict supervision and this is being ensured by reputed pet-travel companies.