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How To Make Group Health Insurance Popular Among Employees

Your employees directly contribute to the growth of your firm. And this is the main reason why their health and well-being should be one of your top priorities.

These days, a number of insurance firms have customized group medical insurance plans. These plans go a long way in ensuring that your employees’ health is secured, thereby adding more value to your firm in the long run. Although a group health insurance policy is highly beneficial, not many employees know its value. Customizing it as per the needs of your employees is a great way of making group medical insurance popular among your employees. Here are a few customizations that may help in attracting your employees’ attention when you buy corporate medical insurance.

How To Make Group Health Insurance Popular Among Employees

Longer coverage for dependents parents

While most medical insurance policies provide coverage for the dependents parents only till they are 60 years old, a few health insurance providers also extend this coverage age, sometimes to as long as 80 years. This is a great way of ensuring that your employees’ parents are taken care of during the time they need health insurance the most.This is indeed a great way of attracting your employees’ attention towards the group medical insurance you have invested in.

Increased day care treatments

Day care treatments are expensive. Many day care treatments like eye surgeries, angiography, besides others are not covered under group medical insurance plans. However, when you buy corporate medical insurance, customizing it to include such day care treatments would certainly ensure its popularity among your employees.

Maternity and post-natal care inclusions

Having a baby is a life-changing event, which is why the government has now increased maternity leave to 6 months. However, pregnancy is also an expensive affair. And therefore, adding maternity and other such post-natal care expenses in your group medical insurance would not only make corporate insurance popular but also earn you a lot of goodwill from your employees.

Minimum to no capping limit on hospitalization expenses

If you can afford it, providing your employees a no or atleast minimum cap limit on hospitalization and other medical expenses is a great way of making group health insurance policy popular among your employees.


Adding riders to your group health insurance policy is a great way of garnering your employees’ attention. You may choose from a range of riders like accidental death rider, critical illness rider, and much more. These riders will pay out a lump sum to your employees in case of an unfortunate event like an accident or a critical illness.

It is said that giving people what they want always does the trick. Therefore, customizing your group medical insurance plan to suit the needs of your employees and giving them comprehensive coverage is a great way of promoting a corporate health insurance policy among your employees.