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How To Throw A Holiday Movie Themed Party

Move over, ugly Christmas sweater parties. This year’s holiday bash will include more of the big screen than big fashion mistakes. For your winter festivities, throw a holiday movie-themed soiree to celebrate the season.

Here are some ideas for throwing a Christmas movie-themed bash in style:

Pick the Theme

This might be the hardest part, since there are so many great movies. Try picking the feel you want for the party first. Want elegant gowns and tasteful décor? Go with A White Christmas. Secretly looking for a reason to wear your bunny pajamas? Go with A Christmas Story. There are as many holiday movies as there are moods, so don’t be afraid to sit down for a marathon with a few friends to brainstorm.

Pick an Invite

To get the most for your money, send an e-vite. Paper invites almost always get lost, but e-vites sit in an inbox until the big day. Regardless of which format you choose, look for something that encompasses the feel of the movie. You should invite guests to dress up in theme, whether it’s their best holiday frock or as a character.

Choose Food

Theme your dinner by eating something similar to what people in the film eat (rare roast beast might not be feasible for a Grinch party, but roast beef certainly is). Be sure the elegance of the food matches the formality of the event. Don’t set out canned biscuits when you’ve asked your friends to wear evening gowns, and don’t bother with foie gras when your nephew is dressed like a snowman. You can use shaped cookies as a nod to theme as well, such as a bell-shaped cookie for the famous line in It’s a Wonderful Life.


By hosting a themed party, you might be signing up for theming your entire Christmas season with that particular movie. The good news is you’re picking a movie you enjoy, so that shouldn’t be a problem. If you’re having a Charlie Brown theme, decorate the room with lots of artificial Christmas trees. Otherwise, use ornaments that bolster the theme, whether it’s through a set of colored bulbs or even themed ornaments. Don’t forget that you can spread the cheer throughout the house evenly. It’s impressive to carry a theme into your living room — it’s astounding if you manage to also carry it over into your bathroom, entryway, kitchen and dining room. Be creative, and don’t forget that you can always DIY!


Movie themes lend themselves well for entertainment purposes. Though you should always leave room for natural conversations, you can add a variety of games and activities. For a laid-back, small crowd, you can watch the movie that inspired the evening. More active crowds can participate in movie trivia games. Games can also just take a piece of a movie and put a new spin on it. A Christmas Story theme can play a version of pin the tail on the donkey with cutouts of poor Flick they have to pin to an illustrated pole.

Your holiday party doesn’t have to be boring and have the same old theme as always. Give your next Christmas party a movie theme to revitalize the standard dinner format. Happy celebrating!