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How You Can Get Into The Real Estate Industry

How You Can Get Into The Real Estate Industry

Whether the economy is strong or struggling, real estate always seems to be the industry where people are making money. Only a few years after the 2008 collapse of the housing industry, investors were back on track to rebuilding their fortunes. If you want to get involved in the real estate industry, then you have several professions to choose from.

How You Can Get Into The Real Estate Industry

Real Estate Agent

The first profession within the real estate industry that most people think of is a real estate agent. The first step to becoming an agent is finding out how to get a real estate license in your state. Most states require you to take a class and then a test to get your real estate license. If you pay attention during the class, then you will be given all of the information you need to get started on your career as a real estate agent. It is best to start with an established agency and learn your trade before you try to go off and start your own business.

Home Inspector

In almost every state in the country, no home sale is finalized without a home inspection. These inspections are carried out by licensed professionals who often own their own businesses and are able to stay busy all year round. Once you get your home inspection license, you should look into getting certified as a home inspector to attract clients. The majority of your business will come from the referrals you get from the real estate agents, loan officers, attorneys and real estate investors you network with.

Real Estate Investor

A real estate investor buys properties to either rent out for a monthly income, or to remodel and sell for a profit. This is not an easy business, but it can be quite lucrative once you learn the ins and outs. The best place to start is to offer to work for a real estate investor and see how the job is done. You might or might not need your own cash to get started. There are many different ways to buy an investment property, and you just might be able to start off your business without using any of your money.

Remodeling Contractor

Real estate investors are always looking for new remodeling contractors to work with, and this could be your entry into the real estate industry. A good remodeling contractor learns how to complete projects on time and under budget without sacrificing quality. Real estate investors can be demanding, but there could be steady work for many years for a contractor who learns how to do work the way investors like it done.

Property Appraiser

A property appraiser is similar to a home inspector with the exception being that the appraiser applies a value to the property. Appraisers get called in by banks to help determine the value of a property, and they also get hired by homeowners who want to find out how much their property is worth before they put it on the market. Most states require an appraiser to be licensed, and you can get referral work by networking with professionals in your local real estate community.

The real estate industry is always a dynamic place to work. If you have ever dreamed of being in real estate, then now is the time to start taking classes and get yourself one step closer to your ideal career.