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Make An Online Game Run Smooth On Your PC

Due to the invent of the fast speed internet, gaming lovers are now able to play online games which allow them to enjoy their favorite games without having to buy and install the game on their own PC. Millions of people around the world play online games today and enjoy this latest technology.

Online games are offered in a variety of technologies therefore their method of running is not the same, which most of the gamers do not even know. Various factors affect the operation of a game in a PC, even if it is an online game. In this article we will try to explain a few of the key reasons why an online game can run slow and what you can do to make it run as smooth as possible on your PC.

The speed of the internet is by far the most important thing that you must consider checking. As, if the speed of your internet connection is slow, than your online games might run slowly or are stuck completely as well. Similarly an internet connection that drops its strengths every now and then tend to make your gaming experience bad as well. This can be a reason of great frustration for the gamers as nobody likes to start a game from scratch repeatedly. Therefore, it is critical to have a stable and high-speed internet connection in place to ensure that the game performance is not affected because of internet speed.

Following are few of the other reasons that may affect a game performance online:

Wireless Internet:

For gaming purpose, wired internet connection is highly preferred, because wireless connection tends to lose its signal strength quite often. While a wired connection is known to provide a steady stream of internet which ensures a smooth gaming experience for the users.


Many times, it is seen that firewalls interfere with online games as well. Hence, it is highly recommended to turn your firewall off when playing online games for a better experience. If you believe that turning the firewall off can be dangerous for security you may add an exception in your firewall settings to let the gaming website get through the firewall without any hindrance.


Since online games are played on a web browser, it is highly recommended using a web browser that is light in weight and does not have various extensions and toolbars attached to it. As those can cause the game to run slow as well. Google Chrome is the fastest internet browser currently, and it is advisable to use only chrome for playing online games.


Your PCs RAM also matters when it comes to running the online game smoothly on the PC. Though the game is not installed on your PC, it still uses quite a bit of your RAM, hence having adequate amount of RAM is also recommended for a better gaming experience online.

Graphics Card: Since the games use resources from your graphics card a lot, having a high capacity graphics card can do wonders to your online and offline gaming experience. If you are not using an additional graphics card in your PC, you should consider upgrading your PC with an additional graphics card asap.

temporary employee with at least 90 days of continuous service then he is entitled to Accident Time which is equal to the full base wage for the first seven calendar days. If the employee is off 14 days or more, he will be paid retroactively from your first day off.

These are basically the components of the workers’ compensation. The amount depends basically on how much the base wage is, and from then on, you will be able to compute the right compensation.

Author Bio

MIchael is Networking Technician who loves to write on Latest in Gaming Technology. In his Free Time he loves to play online games at Playfreeonlinegames.tv.