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Paying For Home Care Facilities Once You Choose To Move

While researching on the different levels of warden-assisted home care facilities, one of your major concerns will be about funds. If you need personal care for yourself or for someone close in your family, you will naturally have the following questions:

The following factors also affect the cost of warden-assisted home care:

To know whether you are Qualified for Financial Assistance

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Irrespective of whether you receive state assistance, you are expected to pay a certain amount towards your upkeep. It does not make a difference on what kind of care you are looking – temporary or permanent. You will also receive monetary assistance from the local authority, but they will do a means test to gauge your financial status. First, the authority will do an assessment of your medical and physical health. Second, they will decide on the level of care you need. Third, the committee will check your assets, both liquid and cash. And based on that review or means test, you will be paying for your care.

Here is how things are done in England – Once the means test is done and it is proved that you have assets worth more than £23,250, then you are entitled to pay the full cost of warden assisted home care. If your assets value between £14,250 and £14,250, then you will have to pay a certain amount. You should pay an amount of £1 each week as tariff for each £250 you are entitled to receive as part of your care and treatment.

Even though the local authority is paying for your care, you can choose your own warden-assisted home care. It can be either in England or in any other country. In case, the expense of the home care surpasses the amount the local authority has agreed to pay, then you will have to look for sponsorship from a third-party source.

Financial help in Case you Exhaust your Resources

You can stay in a warden assisted home care independently, without seeking financial assistance. Once you exhaust your resources and your assets have dwindled to less than £23,250, you can approach the local authority for financial help.

While Leasing Retirement Housing

You will have to pay service charges when you get a retirement house on a lease. The charges include, but are not limited to:

However, you will be responsible for the maintenance of your flat; anything that is not commonly used. The ground rent, which you will have to pay, will be mentioned in the contract. Hence, it is very important that you read the terms of the contract before you sign the housing plan.

Creative Common License under Flickr.com – Photo by Jeffrey Smith