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Stay Safe While Waiting For Your Tow Truck To Arrive

In times of an emergency, it’s always important to know the people you can rely on to help you get through the day. The same principle holds true when you experience car trouble and you need to get help. If you have the number of a reliable tow truck company in your phone, you can make a quick phone call to them so they can come rescue you.

But what happens between now and the time you get rescued by the tow truck company? The logical answer is to be patient and wait for the help to arrive. There are, however, some things you have to be careful with so that you don’t pose a risk to your security and safety. After all, the last thing you’d want is to attract potential roadside attackers.

Here is a list of some safety tips you can follow while you wait for your tow truck service to arrive:

Stop at a Safe Place

One thing you have to remember about car trouble is that you have to make sure you stop at a safe place. You need to prioritize your safety because you could be putting yourself in harm’s way. Even though you are having car trouble, you have to make sure that you stop somewhere safe.

A good suggestion is to stop away from busy intersections and to pull over to the right of the road as possibly as you could. If there is a way for you to do it, make sure you stop your car underneath a functional street light and in an area with markers that are easily identifiable.

In the event that you are unable to choose where you stop your case, just make sure that you keep yourself as safe as you possibly could; even if that means you have to leave your car.

Let Others Know You Have Car Trouble

There are some states that require car owners to have warning triangles and other precaution tools with them wherever they go. Once your car breaks down, make sure you put these cautionary tools in action so that you can let other people know your vehicle has broken down.

Stay Safe While Waiting For Your Tow Truck To Arrive

Apart from getting help, these markers can help reduce the risk of other vehicles swerving into your car. Just make sure that you set up your warning triangles at least 100 yards from behind your vehicle. Make it a point that you switch on your hazard lights too so you don’t encounter any trouble.

Be Wary About Getting Help

It’s nice to know that there are some people who are truly and genuinely interested in helping out those who are in a scenario similar to yours. But in this day and age, you can’t be too trusting. Even though a stranger’s helpful hand can be much needed, it can also put you at risk.

Always remember that there are some people who may be interested in using your situation for their personal gain. No matter how they try to take advantage of your innocence, they will make it a point that they get something from you in exchange for their helpfulness.

There’s no way you can be sure whom to trust. But if anything, trust what your gut is telling you. It’s mostly never wrong.

Make Your Phone Available for the Emergency

While you are waiting for the towing company to arrive, it may be tempting for you to play some games or surf the Internet on your smartphone. It is, after all, designed for such purpose. However, you have to remember that you are in an emergency. You never know when the tow truck service will arrive and if you will have enough battery left in your phone to survive the wait.

Apart from running out of battery, you have to remember to keep your phone line free at this time. If you keep talking to someone else and gossiping on your phone, the tow truck company may not be able to reach you when they need to. And during this time, it is imperative that they be able to reach you in case they need assistance in finding your current location.

Don’t Forget to Ask for Identification

When help finally arrives, don’t be too quick to hand over your keys. Instead, take time to ask for identification so you can verify that the person you are speaking to is really from the towing company that you have called up. Make sure to check the company markings on the tow truck and look for the ID badge of the driver.

During an emergency, you have to make sure you are safe at all times. Follow these tips so you can keep yourself safe while you wait for your tow truck service to arrive.

Written by the staff of Tiger Towing in Columbia, MO.