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Talent Management Trends For 2014

While diminishing growth in the services sector may have slightly undermined the UK’s economic recovery at the end of 2013, business confidence remains considerably high among small and large-sized ventures. This positive sentiment is having a noticeable impact on various industries, while also influencing the key trends that define them. Take the talent management industry, for example, which is set to benefit tremendously from evolved strategies, mobile recruitment techniques and the emergence of big data.

The 3 Most Influential Talent Management Trends for 2014

With this in mind, let’s explore these three trends further and gain a greater insight into the contemporary talent management sector: –

1. Business will Adopt a More Proactive Recruitment Policy

As the economic recovery continues to gather pace in the UK, innovative and proactive companies are increasingly looking towards future growth. More specifically, they understand the need to invest in a recruitment strategy that creates a skilled and multifunctional workforce, not just for today but also to meet the challenges ahead. This requires businesses to appraise the existing talent at their disposal, before developing a forward-thinking plan that redresses any deficits in skill or experience. Inspired by a prosperous economic climate, this trend is likely to gather momentum in the year ahead.

Talent Management Trends For 2014

2. The Emergence of Mobile Recruitment

The emergence of mobile media is the single most influential factor in the contemporary business world, and 2014 will see it have a huge impact in the recruitment sector. With the majority of ventures now experienced and comfortable in serving mobile mediums, a growing number will embrace flexible recruitment solutions that connect them with a vast and potentially global talent pool. Firms such as Cornerstone on Demand will play a pivotal role in this drive, as they enable businesses to recruit and manage talent through Cloud-based resources.

3. Big Data Will Lead to Direct Recruitment Action

Big data is another technological trend that has been discussed in business circles for the last two years, although it has yet to materialise in a genuinely impactive manner. This is set to change in 2014, however, as the rise in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) capabilities has enabled businesses to store, analyse and interpret huge swathes of purposeful data. While big data is largely referenced in relation to consumers, it can be applied to every aspect of business and used to create a strategic recruitment drive.