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Tips on Becoming the Best Defensive Player in Basketball

Tips on becoming the best defensive player in BasketballEvery game offers health benefits to the player but the benefits that a player gets by playing basketball are beyond expectation. Basketball offers a player a number of physical and mental benefits. Some of the benefits of playing basketball are:

To win a basketball championship it is important to know the defensive part of the game as well. Apart from passing, dribbling, and shooting it is important for a basketball player to be well versed with the defensive part. Some tips to become defensive specialist are tagged below.

Hands and Feet must be Quick

It is very important for a basketball player to have quick hands as well as quick feet. This will help the player to make quick move in the court and reach wherever he wants to.

Must be Capable of Jumping Quickly as well as Repetitively

The game of basketball is all about jumping. To be a good defensive player in basketball it is mandatory to be capable of doing quick jumps and repetitive jumps.

Must have a Focused Coach

The role of a coach is crucial for a basketball team to learn defensive tricks. The coach will help to improve the individual as well as team defense skills. His focus and commitment and lead the team to a long way.

Must Know Variety of Basketball Defenses

A basketball player must know the variety of basketball defenses to be successful in basketball defense. Some of the defenses are:

Good Instincts are a Must

According to many well-known basketball players it is important to have good instincts to become a good defensive player. The reaction of a basketball player while playing defensive to any action on court has to be quick.

Must be Capable to Make Quick Transitions

There are two ends in a basketball court one is offensive and the other one is defensive. To be the best basketball player you must have the ability to make quick transitions from offensive end to the defensive position.

Must understand the Game thoroughly

In order to become the most effective defensive basketball player you must understand all strategies and concepts associated with the game.

Communication must be effective

In defensive part of basketball a player should have the ability to communicate effectively with his team mates. This will increase the coordination.

 Must have Good hold over Weak side and Strong side Defense

A basketball player must know the strong-side defense along with weak-side defense to be perfect. A basketball should know both the skills equally.

Must practice defense stance properly

Last but not the least this tip is going to make you the best defensive player of basketball and this practice. Proper practicing of defensive trance, positing and foot work is must for a basketball player.

 Author Bio:
 Peter Anderson is a renowned basketball player who got a chance to be a part of Detroit Pistons Owner Tom Gores. His Blog is loaded with useful tips on playing basketball.