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Tips To Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh

Does your home often smell? If you feel like your home has an odor, or it just doesn’t smell as fresh as you’d like it to, it is a smart idea to consider methods for deodorizing your home. Routine cleaning can help a home smell fresh, but dirt, dust, and odors will still become trapped in the furniture and carpeting. It is important to scrub your furniture and carpeting at least once a year to reduce problems with odors. Here are some important tips to follow if you want your home to always smell fresh.

Tip # 1: Do the Laundry

If you have an enclosed hamper, one of the first things you may notice when you open it is how bad the laundry smells. Instead of waiting to do the laundry once a week, wash your laundry more often. Smaller loads can help to reduce problems with smells. Never put wet clothing or towels in a hamper. Always let them dry out before storing them in the hamper or laundry basket. It’s best to wash them right away if you can because wet laundry can easily lead to mold problems.

Tip # 2: Clean the Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most frequently used rooms in the house. This room can have problems with smells, especially if you do not clean the toilets and showers often. A dirty bathroom can quickly smell like urine, especially if you have men and boys living in the home. It is important to take the trash out frequently from the bathroom since it often has dirty items that can smell. Also clean the toilets at least twice a week, daily if you can. This will reduce the spread of bacteria and germs in the home. Air out the bathroom or use a vent fan during and after showering to reduce the amount of humidity in the air. Humidity in a bathroom will cause mold and mildew to grow, which has a nasty smell. Clean out the shower at least once a week. Always use a spray that will break down any mold or mildew growth. Ajax and other cleaners work well on bathtubs that start to get a ring of grime around them.

Tip # 3: Scrub the Carpets

Carpets often accumulate smells because they capture dirt, pet dander, dust, and spilled liquids. A carpet can start to smell if you have spilled water on it and mold begins to grow. Hire a professional cleaning service to steam clean your carpets at least once a year. If you have pets, clean the carpets at least twice a year. Scrubbing the carpet will reduce odor problems. Another way to help reduce carpet odor is by sprinkling baking soda on a spill and allowing it to sit for several minutes before vacuuming it up. Baking soda helps neutralize smells and keeps your home smelling fresh.

Tip # 4: Use Air Fresheners

If you like to walk into a home that always smells fresh, consider adding some air fresheners in strategic places around the home. Plug-in oil air fresheners often have a stronger smell than others. Look at the different selections available and test each of them out to determine which you prefer.


Jacob Potsdam writes on pleasant fragrances, home improvement, renovation & remodeling, room diffuser, nice smelling flowers and other kindred topics.

Image credit goes to Atifa Julevic.