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US Court Had Decided To Change The Laws On Racial Discrimination

One of the hot topics in today’s world is the racial discrimination. In a variety of fields we find this discrimination in terms of race. May be color wise discrimination, may be religion wise may be caste wise or any other aspect wise. This discrimination is not to be entertained at all. So the court of the US had decided to change a few laws based on races. Everywhere there is a problem arising due to difference in race.

These problems are faced mostly by the students. When students go for admission in various colleges, then arises the problem of racial discrimination. A few seats are reserved for the Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes and OBC. The students under general categories, feels that the students of reserved categories are more privileged. Just because they are under born from some other class of family, they get more privilege in various fields such as admission and job. But what is the difference between a general and a SC, ST or OBC student?

Laws On Racial DiscriminationThere has hardly been any difference. All of them are the same. Hence it should not be done. That is not justice or equality. The court had been dealing with this matter for the past few weeks. It had decided that the fundamental rights will be bestowed to every citizen equally. It will be seen that everyone gets the right opportunity.

The court has given more stress on the racial discrimination related to the admission in universities and colleges. After this law is being passed, the citizens will be getting justice. There will not be the problem of racial differentiation problem in admission matters. It will also be seen that there are some sorts of privileges for the SC, ST or OBC categories.

Some families really need that help, because the acute condition arises sometimes. There are many cases where the son or the daughter has to maintain a family all by him or herself. In that case, that boy or girl needs to get a job to run the family.

In the present world, getting a job has become very difficult. So if some sort of opportunity is offered to these needy people, it will be good. So it was a tough job for the court to make such a law that keeps both the general and the backward classes happy. Some amendments had been made in the existing law related to the races.

From now onwards, opportunities will be given in justified way. Those backward classes, who really need the privilege, will be offered. Else it will be passed on to the general classes. In this way, the privilege will not be misused. There are many cases where the privileged ones cannot utilize the opportunity, and so it gets wasted. Had it been given to someone else, it would have been utilized in the right way. So this law will make all the general category people happy. It will not hurt the sentiments of the backward classes as they will not be deprived of the privileges.