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Virgin Mobile Offers Wealth of Contract Deals

If you are looking for true freedom to select the plan that best fits your life, then Virgin Mobile is the company to go with. Virgin Mobile offers wealth of contract deals to satisfy every age group. You will also be able to select if you would like a monthly tariff, a pay as you go plan, or if you are just looking for sim cards tariffs.

If you choose the Pay Monthly Tariff, you will then be able to select how many minutes you would desire.  The options are 200, 600, and two different 2500 talk minute plans. The more minutes you select, the more Data and text messages you will get. Data ranges from 500 MB, 1 GB, and unlimited data. If you choose more than 200 minutes then you will get unlimited text messages with those plans. With the two 2500 minute plans you will be able to choose if you would like more minutes to 0800, 0845, 0870, and 0808 numbers.

Virgin Mobile Offers Wealth of Contract Deals

With the Pay As You Go plan, you have the freedom to choose whether you like to text and check emails a lot, or if you prefer to talk on the phone more. If you like to text then the best plan for you is the Big Data and Texts plan. With the Big Data and Text plan you get two choices to choose from, and both come with unlimited data.  The only difference is the number of text messages you desire.  You will be able to select 300 or unlimited.  With the Big Talk plan you will get unlimited UK landline calls and 120 UK mobile minutes. Pay a little more and you can get unlimited text messages.

You can also select a SIM card only tariff. With the SIM card only tariff you will still be able to choose if you want to pay monthly or if you just want to pay as you go. If you choose to pay as you go you will still have the same options as previously stated. You can select between if you want unlimited data and text, or if you want unlimited minutes and text.  Both plans are still called Big Data and Texts, or Big Talk. The pay monthly plan is intriguing, because you get 30 day rolling contracts and you will still be able to keep the same cell phone and same number that you had before.

All three plans offer a wide variety of great phones to choose from, including the Samsung Galaxy S3, so you cannot go wrong with whichever plan you decide is best to suit your needs. Virgin is always offering specials and deals, to view the latest Virgin Mobile contract phones visit their website frequently and a customer service representative will be available to assist you if needed, so that you can find the best phone and plan for you. What sets Virgin apart from the rest is that they also offer services for TV and broadband customers as well. If you already have TV and broadband you will also get a small percentage off your bill and 3 months free Spotify premium on select phones.

Written by: Nathan Morgan has been a technology professional for 16 years and has diverse hands-on experience starting off with a couple of years of mobile phone SMT repair. That was followed by three years as a freelance Visual Basic developer and then a decade dedicated to Linux server security, ecommerce site management and coding in a variety of languages including PHP, SQL and Java.