Both walking and running calls for energy expenditure and the medical world is still trying to determine which is better than the other one. Walking and running are the two most popular exercises for people pertaining to every age-group. It is easier, cheaper and definitely very rewarding. But if you are looking to improve your general health, you have to find out which form of exercise would be good for you. A host of new studies has come up with the conclusion that if you are looking to lose weight, then running would be the best exercise for you. Recently, a study was conducted at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California where are group of walkers and runners were invited to participate in a survey. The study was conducted over a period of 6 years and by then one inference was deduced – runners lost more weight, looked thinner and had slimmer waistlines.
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If you are looking to exterminate the possibility of coronary heart diseases and diabetes, then both running and walking would be good forms of exercises. Walking does not promote your cardiovascular health anymore than running would. However, both would control your cholesterol levels and blood pressure and keep fit you healthy and happy. You would also lose weight. Most people believe that losing weight is keeping healthy. Unfortunately, that is an absurd belief because thinness has nothing to do with good health. You can actually start your exercises by being slender and then move on to have a muscled physique.
Some people believe strongly that running is more strenuous than walking because it burns more calories in an hour. Runners can keep a control of their weight in a much more better way than walkers. It is also believed that walkers have more appetite than runners. It is not explainable, but it is true. It has something to do with the hormone peptide YY and how it keeps their appetites hearty after walking.
The debate will go on, but one thing is certain. Exercises are required to keep you healthy and fit. Obesity is a serious issue, especially in countries like America. Unless the cravings for fast food joints, alcohol and sweets aren’t checked, you cannot check your body mass index. If you have a BMI of more than 28, then beware. Check your BMI now.